Transfer to closed aib account by accident


New Member
Hi there, I transferred some money from my credit union today to a closed aib account I had a few years ago by accident. I meant to pick the account I use now with a different bank but the other one was listed there , I just selected it and didn't realise until just now. I will contact both the credit union and aib tomorrow but it's too late now. I was wondering if anyone on here would know how long to get it back from aib. The account has been closed years. Or what the procedure is. Could the credit union recall it. Feel so stupid,can't believe I did it myself. Thanks
It should bounce back reasonably quickly in that it will pass the initial test for a valid IBAN/Sort-code/Account number on AIB's system and then when AIB try to add it to your close account, a flag internally should say "account closed" and it will get dumped into a suspense account internal in the bank and as part of standard account reconciliation/management, they will send it back from there. It can take a couple of days longer for a CU if the CU's account hang off another bank's sort code (which is not uncommon) then if it were clearing bank to clearing bank
Glad you got your money back @Mondayschild

For future reference people only need to contact their own bank for an erroneous payment. The receiving bank won’t deal with you.