To further endear us to our public sector friends



From the indo:

State employees are a lot more likely to take a "sickie" than their private sector counterparts. Public servants are sick on average twice as often as workers in small businesses, new figures reveal.

Nice. Just what I want to read as I am being made redundant!
taking sickies

Hi shnaek,

Firstly, sorry to hear about you being made redundant.

Now, in relation to the sick days issue - is it possible that the amount of sick days in the public service generally is being boosted somewhat by our colleagues in the gardai and prison service or had the indo stripped that bit away?

My memory serves that the last two especially prison officers boost the overall levels of sick leave generally , although I thought that would be certified sick leave (ie doctors' note) rather than uncertified leave which requires you to phone in saying you'll be out today.

Can I ask for the source for the article as well?


Re: taking sickies

The indo don't strip that bit away - the Garai and Prison Service recieve an honourable mention!

Here is a link to the article
Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story alert...

By contrast, figures from the Small Firms Association show that employees in small businesses miss just under six days a year due to illness.

Note that the SFA is not representative of ALL private sector employers (even all small private firms at that) so the statistics may not be comparable.

> Just what I want to read as I am being made redundant!

Sorry to hear about this but how exactly is public sector sick leave related to it?

I'll put my sick leave record up against yours any day.

You can count 'em on the fingers of one hand...after 25 years.