Title Deeds


Registered User
Hi, Can anyone tell me how long it takes before the Title Deeds for a house purchase are returned. We closed early May but have not yet received the Title Deeds back from our solicitor
Unless you purchased the house with your own funds, the title deeds would be returned to your mortgage lender, and held by them until the loan is repaid.

Think of it as 'free' storage of a valuable document! :)
In that case, I'd give your solicitor a bell. I know these things can move slowly, but I'd have thought four months should have been enough...(?)

In the meantime, my comment about the 'free storage' stands.
A vacated mortgage means a mortgage that has been repaid in full and the lender is in a position to remove their interest/claim from the property by having the deeds updated to reflect that the property is now the sole property of the owner/former borrower. Note that where you clear a mortgage you can always do this yourself at the Land Registry/Registry of Deeds offices (whichever applies) and probably save yourself a small few bob in lender's solicitor/admin fees that you would otherwise pay. Land Registry/Registry of Deeds have an admin charge that you pay for this either way. Once you own the property outright don't forget to store the title deeds somewhere safe. There are a few existing threads on this topic elsewhere on AAM.
Hi Clubman, Thanks for the explanation. I hope the lenders remove their interest/claim soon and we get our deeds. Have to say "you are all a great bunch of guys and gals"
Hi ,I last posted re above in September but to date have not yet received Title Deeds for house bought early May. Numerous calls and emails to our solicitor have yielded nothing. Anyone any suggestions. I dont want to get shirty with our solicitor unless I really have to
It can take well over a year. I had a problem selling a house a few years ago 18 months after I bought it as the deeds were not transferred.

They are much more efficent when it comes to asking for the stamp duty though even though in theory this is to pay for the deed transfer service!
"They are much more efficent when it comes to asking for the stamp duty though even though in theory this is to pay for the deed transfer service!"

No, no, no, no, no. Stamp duty is payable by the tax payer within 30 days of completion - otherwise penalties and interest are payable. Would the tax payer prefer to take their time over payment and then pay the penalties?

Stamp duty is paid to Revenue and only when Deeds are stamped can they be registered. They are two separate but related matters.

There can be several reasons why Deeds have not yet been returned - delays in the Registry of Deeds or Land Registry, mapping queries, waiting for outstanding matters to be dealt with by Vendors solicitor, etc.,etc. In saying that, the solicitor should explain what the delay is. Not responding is not acceptable.

On a totally unrelated thread, I am often taken by the way my clients are prepared to take all kinds of risks to get the property they want and ask their solicitors to "do whatever it takes " to get them in by the date the carpet man has been booked but are irritated when thereafter the process is not immediate. Funny that.


Hi, Title Deeds for house purchased early May still have not come through. Is it time to get shirty with all and sundry. Would Deeds be still in original owner's name?
The only way to know if the deeds are registered in your name is to check with the Land Registry/Reg. of Deeds if you can't get an answer from your solicitor. Your solicitor should, however, be able to check and tell you. How to react to his/her lack of response is up to you.

It can take up to two years and sometimes even longer for registration to fully complete and there are many reasons for delays such as those outlined above or simply that the solicitor may have delayed in lodging them (either on his/her own part or the vendor's solicitors part) or hasn't responded to a query raised by the Land Reg/ROD.

The title deeds could indeed be fully registered and filed in your solicitors office.

At least you know that they are in a safe place and it saves you the trouble of depositing them elsewhere.
The title deeds could indeed be fully registered and filed in your solicitors office

Thanks for your reply but we have been in contact on many occasions with our solicitor/secretary who takes note to chase deeds up .Apparently, the deeds are still with sellers or their solicitor/bank.

Thanks for your reply but we have been in contact on many occasions with our solicitor/secretary who takes note to chase deeds up .Apparently, the deeds are still with sellers or their solicitor/bank.

Your solicitor acted on your behalf without investigating or even sighting the title deeds? Are you sure your solicitor isn't just waiting for the vacated mortgage? I'd query this asap.

To answer your initial query, if your solicitor never received the full set of deeds, then its unlikely the deeds have been registered.