Tips on Chicago? -Q re Gurnee Mills or Chicago Premium Outlets Mall


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I'm heading to Chicago in a couple of weeks and was just wondering if anyone has any opinion on either of these outlet malls? And if you have any more tips on shopping and restaurants in Chicago they would greatly be appreciated.
Thanking you :)
Gurnee Mills isn't great for clothes IMO...I haven't been to the Chicago Premium Outlets but have been to POs in other cities and love them. Gurnee would be great if it was deep winter in the snow as it's indoor but overall I'm not a fan. Plus there are such great deals to be had on Michigan Avenue.

We like a pub on South Wabash called Millers, great steaks that won't break the bank. Also a big fan of the Cheesecake Factory in the John Hancock Building but that is much more pricey.
Chicago is deffinetly the best bet ,great selection of stores,you can look up on line to dee if it suits only problem is its a bit off the beaten track so depends very much on where your staying to get to it.You allways have Macys downtown with a hughe selection of other stores.
There's a Filnes Basement (large outlet store) opposite the John Hancock building on Michigan. Gurnee is a fair bit out and clothes are cheap in the large stores in the centre if Chicago