Tips for a Boxer Pup


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Hi! I've just brought a new Boxer puppy home and would be grateful for any tips/advice anyone can give me on how to get over the early days..the pup is 7 weeks old and a female..last night was first night and she slept in our bed and all went well !
1st tip - make last night the only night she sleeps in your bed! She needs to get used to sleeping on her own. Give her a nice warm comfy place to sleep and try to ignore the crying, which will go on for a few nights. She'll settle then. As for housetraining, be patient. No rubbing her nose in it, and no newspaper. Lots of praise when she gets it right, and try to ignore it when things go wrong. Don't punish a puppy for mistakes as she won't understand why and just become afraid of you. Take her out often, and let her out regularly on her own in the garden to do her stuff. It took about 6 weeks with mine, and no problems in the 7 years since. Don't give her old slippers or shoes to chew. Only her own toys. She won't know the difference between old shoes and your new Manolos. Be prepared though, she will chew everything. Mine ate the remote control for the TV! Good Luck.
Thanks for all that! I 'll have a job telling my husband she can't stay in the bed..he's besotted! With regard to the housetraining..I bought these "puppy pads" that you put on the floor with a training spray and I can safely say that so far they have been useless! I am bringing her outside every hour and also after every nap/feed/playtime etc.. and is going quite well. Do the boxers have a nice temperment and are there any disorders I should be aware of? All advice greatly appreciated!
No bed!! Get a crate - great for placing puppy safely away from things when you can't keep an eye on her. Patience you will need for any puppy. Be consistent if possible and firm but kind to succeed with the toilet training and no way put puppy's nose in her accidents please!! Boxers can be great but will grow strong and boisterous if not trained well and early. Consider a puppy training class when she is old enough maybe?Best of luck with her - she can be a wonderful dog if you and OH treat her correctly. The bed thing/sofas etc. are not for dogs - remember she could start to think she is human if allowed such privileges and with a strong dog you could have a problem instead!
Thanks for all the advice! At what age should she begin training if we decide to go down that route..? I have bought so many books but wonder whether it is best left to the professionals
We used Highly recommend them or similar. Books are one thing but an experienced teacher can be best if you haven't trained a dog much before or want good individual advice. Great to see someone who really wants to have a well trained dog - well done for wanting to do things right!
Thanks Tomthumb! Will book her in for a "puppy socialisation" class and take it from there! We rescued a King Charles when he was 6 with some serious behaviour issues so we wanted to be sure with a puppy that we got it right! Thanks for all your help!
So your hubby likes three in a bed eh :D - that won't work well when that boxer is 30 kg ! I have had two male boxers and they make a lovely pet and are great with kids - good protective instincts too. They are a very active and extremely athletic breed so you will need to give her plenty of exercise as she gets older. Our two thrived on a dried food diet ( nuts only ) and the nuts also slowed down their eating thus reducing the risk of gastric torsion. Make sure she has been wormed and innoculated too - your vet will be able to advise you on this.
It's more like a "menage à 5" once you add in the cat and the odd child! She was in the bed again last night but we have decided that from today she's definitely out! Thanks for the tip on dry food. Any tips on how to to get her to go to the toilet on the grass and not tarmacadum?
gauloise said:
Any tips on how to to get her to go to the toilet on the grass and not tarmacadum?

We used to bring the dog to the designated area after he ate to " show " him where to go as opposed to just leaving him out to do his business wherever he chose. Lavish praise when they get it right is important though and a firm " No " if you see her doing it on the tarmac - ours learned fairly quickly and we never really had a problem with our own dogs messing up the paving . When training a dog it's important to try and prevent "failure" on the dogs part by you being proactive in bringing her to the location you want her to use - in other words don't give her the chance to mess up on your tarmac. Best of luck with her.
One tip, after toilet training several dogs, is to pick up the mess from the "wrong" place and put in the "right" place, let the pup see, then bring her to the wrong place and show her with a firm no then over to right place and a "good girl" etc....... It Can take between 2 to 6 weeks of hard work but well worth it !
I have only known a few boxers but they are a great dog, 2 "problems" can be "wind".....can be an issue with all big dogs but boxers can be especially bad ! the other is a health issue - they can, when older, develop some heart problems, but in the cases I know this can usually be controlled with tablets.
Best of Luck -Enjoy!
Well almost 2 weeks on and she has left the bed and sleeps quite happily in the kitchen. Toilet training going ok but she really does hate the grass and will try anything to either get back indoors/use drive but each day sees an improvement!
keep up the good work. keeptaking her to the desired spot and give lavish praise when she gets it right. we also lost a remote control to our boxer when she was 10years, now 11- it may have been smell of cigarettes from my husband's hands!
Boxers are like men, they never grow up!
Yes Jasconius I agree but at least you can get obedience classes for dogs :D Seriously though, they seem to be a great dog..we are having great fun with her!
Hi Sueellen. If we go pup comes too but will have to go into quarantine for a while. along with parakeet, king charles, cats + hamsters..we love animals too :)
"will have to go into quarantine for a while. along with parakeet, king charles, cats + hamsters..we love animals too"

Sounds as if it will be cramped in there! Being nosey again but how long is the quarantine?
Well for the cats and dogs its 30 days..not too sure about Parakeet yet as with bird flu this may be changed. Also having difficulty finding out about hamsters..may be too much of a journey for them so we might have to "duplicate" instead!