Things that annoy you?

I don't agree that we should call them idiots though. I agree that people should take responsibility with such a huge commitment as a mortgage.

Just take example of the Medical cards at the moment -every time I hear Matt Cooper - he keeps talking about a family in Kerry - with 3 kids one on the way - and very little to live on from week to week... his question why not give them a Medical Card... Do you think they are to blame for the situation they are in... they knew what their mortgage was.. stop having kids... ?

I don't believe that people are beyond help its more that they should start to help themselves. I was going to write that I dont believe people are idiots but thought about it and actually there has been some seriously idiotic behaviour on display. I don't condemn people for wanting to have big families, big cars, houses etc but when you chase your dream and turn a blind eye to the possibilty of that dream being shattered I don't think you have a right to turn around and say 'what the hell were you thinking giving me such a big loan(s). Many people were cautious in how they spent their money and didn't go for that high end car that they always wanted but knew deep down it was a waste of their money, so really what I am saying is that we should be judged on our own actions because when it comes to spending our own money the final say is with us.
Since when did having four children constitute foolhardy reckless behaviour? It's not like they were buying a flash car, plasma tvs, foreign holidays, second home etc. Or were they doing that too? Should we all conform to a safe two children family ( or less) unless we are double income civil servants?
Since when did having four children constitute foolhardy reckless behaviour? It's not like they were buying a flash car, plasma tvs, foreign holidays, second home etc. Or were they doing that too? Should we all conform to a safe two children family ( or less) unless we are double income civil servants?
Of course not, but if financial worries are an issue to you then you should not have more children than you can feasibly look after without state aid.
Why is it that you can be slated for going overboard on a house or a car in a boom when we know it ain't gonna last, but don't dare mention having more kids than you can provide for ?
Why is it that you can be slated for going overboard on a house or a car in a boom when we know it ain't gonna last, but don't dare mention having more kids than you can provide for ?

I agree with you. I think people think you are denying the right to life or something. Its more - you can have all the life you want but it mightnt be fair on you or them, and if it lands you in tough times then you'll want everyone else to bail you out.
How many children is reasonable? What happens if after that number contraception fails?
How many children is reasonable? What happens if after that number contraception fails?

As many as you can give reasonable care and support to (financial and otherwise) given your circumstances. If you have another one unexpectantly then obviously you just do your best (we wont be advocating terminations on financial grounds .....)

"Think of the kids" as Tommy O'Gorman might say to Roy Keane.;)
As many as you can give reasonable care and support to (financial and otherwise) given your circumstances. If you have another one unexpectantly then obviously you just do your best (we wont be advocating terminations on financial grounds .....)

Okay but circumstances change. So how do I predict the future?
Personally, I'm not going to speculate as to how many is reasonable (don't have any myself) but it does amaze me that some people will try to find the best deals on food, services, cut back on luxuries etc but don't give 'having another baby' a second thought - even though this will probably be one of the most expensive and longest term decisions they will ever make.
Okay but circumstances change. So how do I predict the future?

I know you're not expecting an answer but see post #120 for the best I can say about this predicament. Basically you make your best guess and you muddle through whatever life throws at you thereafter - all anyone is saying is that having a way more kids that you could reasonably provide for doesnt seem to be a smart thing to do.
Having children isn't always a careful, prudent decision. People have children ( hopefully) because they are going to love and care for them. The fact that we are a social welfare state should mean that we could have ( theoretically) any amount of children and they would have the basic necessities of life. After that all they need is love, isn't it?

Limiting people to a certain amount of children just smacks of middle class superiority. Do we only allow the Constance Cassidys or Miriam O'Callaghans of this country to have more than 2?
God, this thread has taken on a life of it's own and what we have discovered is that we all annoy each other :D

To be honest Caveat, if you were to have kids you probably wouldn't think like that.

Personally, I'm not going to speculate as to how many is reasonable (don't have any myself) but it does amaze me that some people will try to find the best deals on food, services, cut back on luxuries etc but don't give 'having another baby' a second thought - even though this will probably be one of the most expensive and longest term decisions they will ever make.

I come from a large family and my parents always found the money to feed us all. With my own children I never once thought (until now ;)) how much they will cost me. If we have more children we'll find a way to afford them.
Another thing that annoys me is people who have no integrity; people who engage in insurance fraud/ cheat on their tax returns or justify and facilitate low level cheating; basically people who sell their integrity so cheaply and then are the first to condemn others.
Holier than thou types that have never put a foot wrong preaching on internet forums.
Phrases such as "You were speeding, pay up" and "you are wrong take your punishment. I don't care if the Gardaí made a mistake" make my blood boil.
Holier than thou types that have never put a foot wrong preaching on internet forums.
Phrases such as "You were speeding, pay up" and "you are wrong take your punishment. I don't care if the Gardaí made a mistake" make my blood boil.

Eh? Do ya wanna post a link there Mr. Bond?