The really important questions on a Friday afternoon

Why are there slightly most threads on Letting Off Steam than in Shooting The Breeze? Does than mean we're a slightly more unhappy bunch?
If there is a 3 for 2 in a bookshop, why can I only ever find 2 books I want to read?.

Why do Dubs get lost and confused when they go down the country

Why, on a Friday afternoon, does someone always drive into the back of someone else on the Naas duel carraigeway
Why, when you meet someone on a footpath do you both shuffle back and forth trying to avoid crashing into each other?

Why can't we agree a code to pass on the left/right?
Why doesn't my husband's snoring wake him up?

Why do people walk really slowly when talking on their mobile phones?

Why when you are looking at something in a shop does someone inevitably come over and start looking at the same thing?

Why do I always look at my watch if someone asks me directions?
Why am I reading this instead of finishing what I'm doing and going home?

Mind you, I love that stage on Friday when you eventually work it out - actually, you know what, no, you're not going to clear everything off the desk so, sod it, don't sweat it and head for the hills!

Vanilla Coke was the drink of the gods, I loved the stuff. And whoosh, it disappeared about five years ago. Why did they remove a great seller? Which manager in the bottling plant in Lisburn can I tiger kidnap to get get it back?

Are buffalo flavoured crisps realy made from buffalo? I know Perri have a buffalo open farm in Meath, do they slaughter them for crisps? :eek:

Why are the Dubs called Jackeens when clearly it's the Corkonians who are the Jackeens of Ireland?
Evidence ;)
Why do wimmin wait until the cashier has scanned everything and asked for payment before they open their bags, get the wallet or purse out, and pay? Surely they know they need the money/credit card/laser card whilst waiting, so why not just have the bloody purse in their hand already? Argh, wimmin drive me nuts, they do this specifically to annoy me, I just know they do :mad:
Why is everything tasty so high in calories,salt,sugar etc...
Why is their so much choice in the shops when I have decided to stick to a budget
Why did the writers of lost come up with such a lame ending after keeping me hooked for years.
Why is it that the one thing I like in a shop when there is a sale or 20%off offer is labelled 'new stock, not included in sale/ offer..'
Why do wimmin wait until the cashier has scanned everything and asked for payment before they open their bags, get the wallet or purse out, and pay? Surely they know they need the money/credit card/laser card whilst waiting, so why not just have the bloody purse in their hand already?


And there there are the ones who use it as an opportunity to get rid of all the small change in their TARDIS-like purse :mad:.

And there there are the ones who use it as an opportunity to get rid of all the small change in their TARDIS-like purse :mad:.

Mrs Firefly does this....everywhere. At the tolls when people are queuing up behind us for example. Used to annoy me, but I've long given up.....Then again she's not the one with a huge penny jar on her side of the bed!