The really important questions on a Friday afternoon


Registered User
Sitting at lunch today, talking about nothing as you sometimes do, the topic of those little questions that you've always wondered about but don't have the answer for came up. Questions like
Why do E flow tags always fall off the windscreen?
Why do driving test inspectors have to wear a luminous vest and the driver doesn't?
Do staff who work on the toll bridges have to pay the toll?
Has anyone ever seen an Audi driver sticking to the speed limit on the motorway?
Why do people slow down to see what is happening when a car is parked in the hardshoulder?
Why do women think fake tan is attractive?
Why do women think it is even more attractive if they cake a layer of makeup on top of the fake tan?
Why do people on the continent dress far better then we do?

Feel free to add more questions, or answer any if you can
Do staff who work on the toll bridges have to pay the toll? My best guess is 'no' if they have to pass through it for work reasons, but 'yes' if they are passing through it outside of working hours.

Has anyone ever seen an Audi driver sticking to the speed limit on the motorway? Yes.

Why do people slow down to see what is happening when a car is parked in the hardshoulder? The reason I sometimes slow down is to see if the driver needs assistance.

Why do women think fake tan is attractive? Because a little bit of fake tan is attractive.

Why do people on the continent dress far better then we do? I don't know, but I wonder is it related to the weather? Good weather gives people more versatility in what they can wear, and predictable weather probably does as well.

These are all good questions for Ray Darcy's "Fix It Friday" show on Today FM, if that show is still broadcast.
Why, when I'm putting on headphones, the one in my left hand always has a "R" on it and I have to switch them around?
Why do I see the best outfits when I have no money?

Why do clients ring me with urgent requests at 4pm on a Friday?

earphones - Why does one of them keep falling out and the other stays in - possible head tilt?... who knows.

Why would I murder a few beers when I know I have to get up early in the morning for training - wouldn't be bothered having a drink any other Friday night when I have no training?
Why is the forecast so bad for the weekend when it's been nice all week?
why, why you put all your shopping in one hand, are your keys in the pocket on that side (so you've to swap everything again)

Why, on some occasions, do you get itchy legs after a shower - particulary if there's any delay in getting dry & dressed
Why is there always something that I really want from the A La Carte menu not on the early bird?
How come, sometimes, after a feed of drink do I not have a hangover, but other mornings feel so bad after only a few?
Why don't people move aside when they've taken their cash and receipt rather than spend 20 seconds shuffling and putting everything away?
Why does the weather improve on the day that the poor kids go back to school in September?

Why is the weather always good when the leaving cert/junior cert are on?

Why does him indoors always say that I ring at the wrong time (loo time or best moment in the football on the telly )?

Why do things invariably go right when I'm prepared for the worst and vice versa?

Why do the Dubs think they'll beat Kerry?

Why can't Firefly do a list instead of all separate posts in this thread?
I got to see how they put the stripes into toothpaste last week - i was chuffed with seeing that I was trying to explain to the client that in Europe that is perhaps one of life's mysteries.....he didn't quite understand!

Why does it start to rain when i have toyed with the idea of taking a rain jacket and decided 'no'?

Why is it that when i need small change to feed a parking meter I don't have any? Any other time it seems the car is full of it.
In the Shawshank Redemption how did Andy get the poster to hang off the wall?

Is it true that there are chemicals in red lemonade that cause cancer and so Ireland is the only country in Europe that sells it? I've never seen red lemonade in the UK or France or Belgium

Ray D'Arcy promised to emigrate if Enda Kenny won the election. Why is Ray still here?

How do they get the figs into fig rolls?

I'll be back with more
Why do people who are earning less money than me have bigger houses and better holidays?

Why do Monday and Tuesday crawl by and Saturday and Sunday go in a flash? They're both meant to be forty eight hours.