the global establishment becoming left wing

joe sod

Registered User
almost 30 years after the fall of berlin wall , the failure of the soviet union and the fall of communism, the left is on the rise again. Are we in danger of a major conflagration, but the major military powers, the US, Russia and China are essentially on the same side. They want the global order to remain but with them in charge rather than the other. The new media is essentially left wing but powerless, they dont posess nuclear weapons. Their strength lies in the fact that the powerful dont want to use their ultimate weapon because of what they fear the equally powerful will do. Are the left wing media in danger of provoking the elephant in the room to stamp on the mouse and provoke the other elephants.
I am not convinced that the left are on the rise again. At least not anything that would be recognised by the left of the 1970s.

The Paul Murphys of the world have no idealogical basis to their politics. I mean he opposes the property tax, what kind of socialism is that. He is not trying to align Irish foreign policy with socialism internationally. His politics is just a call to "give us more" with added begrudgery.

I don't see the new media as left wing either. They promote an extreme form of identity politics, people are encouraged to see themselves as women, rural dwellers, travellers, migrants, muslims, refugees, etc. rather than see themselves as citizens. While the people promoting this kind of thinking may see themselves as left wing, this is the most invidious kind of right wingery. Recognising Travellers as a distinct ethnic group, collecting statistics showing that they are discriminated against in housing, that just opens the door for a Trump figure to collect statistics showing travellers involvement in crime and targeting them.

Irish politics is unusual in the world that we have no right wing element. Any politician who has tried it (Noel O Flynn "back in 2002, when, a couple of days after a racist attack left a Chinese student dead, O’Flynn decided to launch a broadside against asylum seekers, denigrating them as “spongers, freeloaders, wasters and con-men”. Irish Examiner 29 Feb 2012 has gained no traction.
I don't see the new media as left wing either. They promote an extreme form of identity politics, people are encouraged to see themselves as women, rural dwellers, travellers, migrants, muslims, refugees, etc. rather than see themselves as citizens.
Excellent point and a very dangerous road we are travelling down.
Irish politics is unusual in the world that we have no right wing element. Any politician who has tried it (Noel O Flynn "back in 2002, when, a couple of days after a racist attack left a Chinese student dead, O’Flynn decided to launch a broadside against asylum seekers, denigrating them as “spongers, freeloaders, wasters and con-men”. Irish Examiner 29 Feb 2012 has gained no traction.
That's not right wing, that's just bigoted.
Bigotry is not confined to the left or the right.
The PD's were what is considered right wing on economic issues and left wing on social issues but such labels are outdated and generally used by those who consider themselves left wing or socialist. They generally conflate economic ideology with social ideology which of course is erroneous.
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almost 30 years after the fall of berlin wall , the failure of the soviet union and the fall of communism, the left is on the rise again. Are we in danger of a major conflagration, but the major military powers, the US, Russia and China are essentially on the same side. They want the global order to remain but with them in charge rather than the other. The new media is essentially left wing but powerless, they dont posess nuclear weapons. Their strength lies in the fact that the powerful dont want to use their ultimate weapon because of what they fear the equally powerful will do. Are the left wing media in danger of provoking the elephant in the room to stamp on the mouse and provoke the other elephants.

probably a bit over the top in hindsight, I just think that traditional left wing agendas have been taken up unchallenged by the new media. The failures of communism have been brushed under the carpet and are no longer really discussed. It is trendy now to be socialist and for equality etc but nobody now goes into the nitty gritty of the failure of communism where everybody was equal in theory. But nobody wanted to do the hard dirty jobs if they were not going to be paid properly for those jobs so there were shortages of everything. Then the ugly stuff happened forced labour to force people to do the tough jobs.
probably a bit over the top in hindsight, I just think that traditional left wing agendas have been taken up unchallenged by the new media. The failures of communism have been brushed under the carpet and are no longer really discussed. It is trendy now to be socialist and for equality etc but nobody now goes into the nitty gritty of the failure of communism where everybody was equal in theory. But nobody wanted to do the hard dirty jobs if they were not going to be paid properly for those jobs so there were shortages of everything. Then the ugly stuff happened forced labour to force people to do the tough jobs.

Of course, the socialists will sell it as full employment! Anyway, lots in the left are quite happy to have unemployment now though (and probably see this as a God-given right) and happy that those who work pay for some of them to sit around and play on their Xboxes.
The US seems to be going into a shell and getting all protectionist. This opens the door for the Chinese to take the role as the global leader in free trade (which they are happy to do).