Text from AIB about the Central Credit Register

Brendan Burgess

I got a text from AIB as follows:

"We have sent you a message on your My Messages withing Internet Banking about the Central Credit Register. Thanks, AIB."

1) I checked my AIB account and there are no messages.

2) I don't recall getting a text from AIB beforehand, but maybe I have to confirm overseas credit transactions?

3) The text is unusual in that the it's from "AIB".

Any other text message I get comes from a number unless it's in my address book, in which case the name of the person shows up.

When I click on this, there is no number.

I also got the same text and when I checked my account there was a message with the
new credit register details, it's definitely from
I got another text from AIB today and when I checked there actually was a message on online banking.
