Testing the image function - mortgages forum

Brendan Burgess

Frequent Posters

Can you see this image clearly without clicking on it?

If not, what do you see? A thumnail? An error message?


ahhhhh superquinn doughnuts. yum.
I see a lovely image, nice and plump and tasty.
Mmmmmmmm .... donuts!

Just FYI, the pic looks fine, and the notification email I got was this, with the link as shown:

Frequent Posters

Can you see this image clearly without clicking on it?

If not, what do you see? A thumnail? An error message?

View attachment 2048

Only see a thumbnail when not logged-in.


Thanks - problem solved.

I just assumed that when Frequent Posters reported that they could not see images, that they were actually logged in as Frequent Posters.

So it's when you are not logged in.

the notification email I got was this, with the link as shown:

Just to be clear. You only got that email because you have opted in to receive emails for new posts on the mortgage forum?

It's nothing to do with the image as such?


Thanks - problem solved.

I just assumed that when Frequent Posters reported that they could not see images, that they were actually logged in as Frequent Posters.

So it's when you are not logged in.


No .. that wasn't the case. The post I made yesterday about only seeing a small thumbnail was made when I was logged in.

I can see the image above full size (I am logged in).
A large picture of some fresh doughnuts when i'm logged in.
When I log out I only see a thumbnail of the pic - however when I click on the thumbnail it expands to a full size picture (no log-in requested).