Tesco.ie customer service saga!



I arranged a Tesco home delivery this week. When the groceries arrived at 8pm I had a few queries about my bill which related to the way special offers as shown on the website had not been applied to my bill.

I phoned the freephone number that was prominently shown on my bill and was connected to a call centre in Dundee. I was advised that I would need to speak to the home shopping staff in the Limerick store where my order had been prepared. I was connected through to the Limerick store and I was then told that the home shopping staff don't work evenings. I complained that somebody should be able to deal with my query. I then spoke to a duty manager who said that the call centre should not have put me through and that they should have been able to deal with any query in Dundee. The duty manager said she would get Dundee to call me back.

No call arrived and so I phoned Dundee again. The person I spoke to said that the duty manager was wrong and that all calls to the call centre from Tesco Ireland customers had to be referred to and dealt with by store staff as the call centre is not able to access the Tesco.ie website, only the Tesco UK website!

Dundee then assured me that they would get somebody from the Limerick store to phone me the following day. No call came. Today I phoned the Limerick store and repeated my concerns about the bill. I could not speak to somebody from the home shopping department because they were on holiday. I was then put through to the same duty manager I had spoken to 2 days earlier. She told me that they could not help because the store does not have internet access and so they cannot access the website to see how special offers are stated there!

Here I am in Limbo, contemplating the madness of the Tesco.ie system and their customer service ethos.

I could go on further about the misleading descriptions and presentation of 'Special offers' on the Tesco website, but this rant has gone on for long enough. Have any other posters had similar experiences to this?
I've found Superquinn's customer service to be excellent and almost over-generous in case of any queries re. online shopping. A direct call to the store resolves any queries and they will pretty much refund the cost of anything which you query.

In relation to the Tesco query, I've found that a phone with a 'conference call' facility to be very useful when you get the run around like this. So you put dept A on hold, then call dept B and conference the two in together and say 'Now - A blames B & B blames A, so you two fight it out while I sit here & listen, and when you are finished, tell me what you going to do for me, your customer'.

Have tried Tesco twice but both times not happy. First time dairy produce was three weeks out of date. Second time, bread and other simple produce was incorrectly delivered. Could be great service if properly done but frustrating when wrong! Superquinn then next time?
Re: Tesco.

I used the tesco online service once. It was a few years ago and to be honest I can't really remember what went wrong but I know I've never used it again. Possibly they mixed up or left out some of the order and I think the driver was also not particularly pleasant. Oh yeah, and they wouldn't deliver the stuff without using plastic bags. I do remember that. Superquin is a far superior service. The first time they used it they did make a mistake and substituted an item even though I had specified no substitutions. I was able to just bring the item to any Superquin shop and it was exchanged (or could have been refunded in full)
Re: Tesco.

I was able to just bring the item to any Superquin shop and it was exchanged (or could have been refunded in full)
My experience is that they will refund you by phone without quibble and without asking you to return the item.

What a brilliant suggestion! I look forward to doing this with TSB, EsatBT etc, etc...