Telecom Line Rental.



I was just having a look at my phone bill from Telecom,
and noticed that the annual line rental amounts to just over €300. The only reason I have/maintain this is for internet access. Is there any other available options ie. TV Line or Signal that can compare to my present system without having the extra cost of "Line Rental". Any comments/suggestions most welcome.

there is some crowd advertising a lot on the radio at the moment (RipWire or something). They are offering some sort of wireless broadband for 30e per month. If you catch the ad it may be worth ringing them.
Re: internet

Depending on where you live yes you do have options - I long ago gave up paying €300 a year to €ircon - if you're only using it for Internet Access (as I was) it's really pointless if there are other options.

Basically you've a choice between Wireless and Cable


- Wireless based service - Dublin & Cork only I think .. These are the guys with the annoying "Ripwave" ads on the radio

- Cork & many other large towns round the country


NTL (in some areas of Dublin only I think) also offer broadband via your TV cable - this is supposed to be pretty good

I don't know if Chorus offers Broadband ? ... Apparently the fastest connection in the country (and cheapest) is offered via some local cable company in Dungarvan - if you live there you are sorted for cheap and real fast internet access

These are the only non-phone line possibilities that I know of ... Broadband via your Electricity connection is some way off yet I think.... There are a few Satelite offerings around but I don't think they are much good - and you still need your phone line (as the satelite is one way only - outbound traffic routes via your phone as far as I know)
Re: internet

See the links in for more information on possible alternative broadband service providers in your area.