Tea breaks at work

Your best option for solving this is probably through the Union rep. That's what you pay your subs for.

Go back and push the union to address the matter.
In theory we don’t allow afternoon breaks unless people are working ‘till after 6.30. The standard day is 8-4.30 with a 15 minute paid break in the morning and 30 minutes unpaid for lunch so working ‘till 6.30 gives two hours overtime. In practice most people take the break if they are working ‘till 6 and it’s really no big deal as nobody can keep going without some sort of a break, formal or informal, in the afternoon.

Some of the replies on this thread are just nasty.
I feel a bit of give and take works best in a workplace unless people totally are taking advantage. We have a coffee dock at work with coffee/tea available troughout the day free of charge. We can go at any time for a takeaway coffee and bring it back to our desks.

We work hard and if overtime (unpaid) is required we will do it and if the odd weekend is needed to be covered (unpaid) we will do it so free tea/coffee is a perk that is good value for money to the employers in my opinion
I wonder would there have been very different reply's if the OP was working in the private sector. Any excuse to bash the CS/PS.
I feel a bit of give and take works best in a workplace unless people totally are taking advantage. We have a coffee dock at work with coffee/tea available troughout the day free of charge. We can go at any time for a takeaway coffee and bring it back to our desks.

We work hard and if overtime (unpaid) is required we will do it and if the odd weekend is needed to be covered (unpaid) we will do it so free tea/coffee is a perk that is good value for money to the employers in my opinion

It sounds like your employer has it about right.
Generally in the CS there's tacit agreement about an afternoon break - though it used to wreck my head when i'd see people heading off for coffee at 3.30 and then come back and clock out to go home just after 4.

Perhaps the OPs boss has noticed something similar and is now putting an end to afternoon breaks, it usually happens that it's a few people taking the proverbials that ruin it for everyone else.

The OP should take that stretch break which sounds like a good idea, and they should also remember that it's their choice to work until 6.30 to build up flexi and not an obligation.
Thanks people, the office I work in is the one of the hardest working office, people just never stop and the afternoon break for me is just to get away from the computer for ten minutes and get a quick bite because I am starving at around four. The people imposing this rule are working part time!! six hours and they take the same amount of breaks as us who maybe work three or four hours more than them. The union is useless, I have tried to get their assistance and this and other matters but they just useless, It is give and take and this is just the latest mis-management in my office, I am very lucky to be able to work one day from home, but I can only do this on the basis that I do double the work than I would in the office and this is checked when I return to the office, the reason I was told I can do double the work is because I have no interruptions at home. If the office I worked in was efficient I would love to be part of the team, but its a mess. Anyhow I think I will be resorting to chocolate in my desk drawer with a straw connected to a tea cup! I agree though about people taking the mickey, I have seen it and it really annoys me and I agree about if I had said I was private sector and not public I probably would not have had the crazies above, its terrible to be reluctant to tell people what I work at such prejudice.
the afternoon break for me is just to get away from the computer for ten minutes and get a quick bite because I am starving at around four.

That's what you call "pushing the boat out"! a ten minute break is unreasonable and I can see why your manager wants to stamp it out.. 10 mins could easily become 15 for some people.
The union is useless, I have tried to get their assistance and this and other matters but they just useless,
Don't let them away with this. You are paying for their service through your subs. Get on to the union official (not your local union rep), and if that doesn't help, escalate upwards within the union. Get a few colleagues behind you for extra effect.
, I agree about if I had said I was private sector and not public I probably would not have had the crazies above, its terrible to be reluctant to tell people what I work at such prejudice.

Bottom line - the subject of tea breaks is so trivial and juvenile for anyone who works or has worked in the private sector where 2 daily tea breaks and long lunch breaks simply don't exist. I hope when IMF/ECB force Ireland to take the knife to civil service salaries that you will still enjoy your light refreshment in the afternoon.
I hope when IMF/ECB force Ireland to take the knife to civil service salaries that you will still enjoy your light refreshment in the afternoon.

Take no notice greeneye, you seem to be a hard worker and do your job well. I wouldn't bother going to the union about it tbh, wasting your time, you can only do so much in a day, do your job well, keep your head down and clock out when your done... end of....and keeping a stash in your drawer seems like a good option.
Enoxy - the lower paid CS salaries have already been cut enough TVM.
Bottom line - the subject of tea breaks is so trivial and juvenile for anyone who works or has worked in the private sector where 2 daily tea breaks and long lunch breaks simply don't exist. I hope when IMF/ECB force Ireland to take the knife to civil service salaries that you will still enjoy your light refreshment in the afternoon.

Not correct , Bank of Ireland employees work a 7 hour day with a 1 hour lunch break and two 15 mins breaks daily.

The same applies to a large number of Private Sector employees in more enlightened firms.
I think standard civil service is 36.25 hours per week (ecluding lunch). So if he takes an hour lunch breeak that would mean roughly a 9am to 5.15pm working day.

It seems to me the 15 minute morning break is not required by law and is offered out of the kindness of the emploers heart.

It is strange that people can't bring a coffee back to their desk though.I know some people who couldn't handle 4 hours without a caffeine fix
That's what you call "pushing the boat out"! a ten minute break is unreasonable and I can see why your manager wants to stamp it out.. 10 mins could easily become 15 for some people.

are there any smokers where you work? smokers get treated with kid gloves in situations like this they seem to get numerous 5/10 minute breaks. your attitude would have us all as slaves.

i think the OP is being treated badly here, s/he's working for a long time in the afternoon and all they want is a short break to get away from the desk.

if your union rep won't assist report him or her to head office and tell them that's what you'll do if they don't assist.

you could also mention to your boss that you've been feeling lightheaded in the afternoons due to lack of caffeine/sugar and really need that to keep working hard.

i would also start looking at your role profile and perhaps sticking closer to that. do you think you would get any further with your bosses boss? also are there smokers in your area that are treated differently?
Greeneye, can I ask why the hell you want to work from home if you have to WORK TWICE AS HARD??? Seems pointless. Do you get paid for overtime? I am in a new job now one week, I was let go last Nov so I am very lucky and I did 3 hard interviews to get this job... Its a private big company.. WE work 8.30 to 5. It seems to be 15min break in morning, 1 hour for lunch and then afternoon people just kind of get a cuppa and have at desk wtih biscuit etc.. I think another break woul dbe way too much. I leave at 5pm everyday, I am not starting that crap of staying late and getting no thanks at the end of the day.. why dont you just do your set hours and LEAVEEEEEEEEE and ENJOY YOUR LIFE outside of work........ your just a number in a job and you could get the sack at any stage, I thought I would be in my last job forever but I got the boot and so did 200 others........
Do your set hours 9-5 whatever and leave!!!!!!!!!! Life too short
Bottom line - the subject of tea breaks is so trivial and juvenile for anyone who works or has worked in the private sector where 2 daily tea breaks and long lunch breaks simply don't exist.

Not true.

Two companies I have worked for (1 was one of the big banks, the other an IT multinational) had morning and afternoon breaks. Both had 20 min morning breaks and the bank had 10 mins afternoon with 15 allowed in the IT multinational. Also the tea/coffee/biscuits were supplied by the employer. We also were allowed 1 hour lunch.
Maybe I am not making myself clear here, I work a nine hour day and get a 45 min break in total, if I want to take a two hour break I have to work up that time as in work an extra hour and half, quit sarcasm just looking for information, I working in private company before civil service for over 15 years and know there is something wrong in this, please if you want to vent you bitterness go to another thread I just want facts, not your nastiness.

Well said!!
Except, unless it is a very strange civil service contract, a 9 hour day with a haff an hour break is an exaggeration. It is most likely a 7.15 day (15 minutes paid break) + 30 minutes unpaid.
Bottom line - the subject of tea breaks is so trivial and juvenile for anyone who works or has worked in the private sector where 2 daily tea breaks and long lunch breaks simply don't exist.


....from my experience anyway. My first thought when I read this was "what's a tea-break?"

Surely the OP can get up to go to the bathroom when the need is there, or get up to get a drink of water?