Taxes due if Selling property in Spain?


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My Dad is Irish Resident and Domiciled and has an apartment in Spain for the last 10 years. He's thinking of selling it.

I've been looking around for websites but finding it hard to get a list of all taxes due.

From the Irish/Spanish double taxation agreement, it appears you pay all the taxes in Spain, then get a tax credit in Ireland for that amount.

Apart from basic CGT, currently 21% in Spain, it appears he would pay some local charges too?

Anyone have a good knowledge of the selling up in Spanish market or a simple website laying it out clearly?

So far I have found this

CGT would have to be paid jon the increase in value between the time he bought and the time he sold. However, given the collapse in property prices in Spain there may not be any or much of a gain. There is also a tax called Plusvalia which must be paid by the vendor. Has your father been paying non-resident Renta and wealth tax ( the latter has been abolished in the last few years) tax each year of ownership of his apartment? This is based on the catastral value of the property. Local taxes or IBI are also paid yearly and these are also based on the catastral value. They cover waste collection and road cleaning, etc. I presume he has paid his community fees each year, if not these charges will have to be paid up to date before he can sell the property. Your father may have a fiscal representative in Spain who files the yearly taxes for him so he should check with them for receipts of payment of these taxes. You should be able to find info on all these taxes on the interent.