Tax Returns for closed business




I closed a small business a couple of months ago and have been trying to sort out bills ever since.
One of the last now is my accountant who is still owed around 400 or so which is no problem but with the ROS deadline now looming I'm just looking for a bit of advice.
It turns out that the 2008 and 2009 return is still not done and is not included in the 400 owed even though we thought they had been charging us for everything and things were in order.
We have never made a red cent in the two years we were open and lost around 60k overall.
Basically do I have to spend another 1k or more sorting out accounts to prove I lost 60k or is there a way of sorting this out with revenue directly so I can draw a line under it.


PS. It was just a partnership and not a limited company.
If your able to complete and submit a Form 1 and Form 11, you should be fine. What exactly was the accountant charging for? VAT, P30, accounts are completely different than Form 1 and Form 11, I would be surprised if €400 would cover it all.