If a landlord buys a house , say cost of 300K and leases this out for 8K per year. The interest repayment on this would be approx 9K.
So taking the 9K from the rent ( 8K ) , does this mean that the landlord is not liable for tax on his rental income ?
Or is there a cap on the Interest that a landlord is allowed deduct from his rental income ??
The landlord would be at a loss of 1K, is he allowed carry this over to a second rented property and deduct this from his rental income on the second property ?
Thanks for any replies to this.....
So taking the 9K from the rent ( 8K ) , does this mean that the landlord is not liable for tax on his rental income ?
Or is there a cap on the Interest that a landlord is allowed deduct from his rental income ??
The landlord would be at a loss of 1K, is he allowed carry this over to a second rented property and deduct this from his rental income on the second property ?
Thanks for any replies to this.....