Tax relief on non company PRSA


Registered User
Hi All
The company i work for offer the bog standard PRSA scheme to all its employees 5%/1%

If i want to join one of the 0%/1% PRSAs as sold by LABrokers - how do i go about claiming tax releif?

ie. Can i get it at source and claim it via my employers against my gross monthly income? (as if its part oif the company scheme)

Or do i have to pay the full contribution from my Monthly Net income and then claim tax relief at the end of the year?

Thanks in advance for any answers (our wages clerk is out on sick leave until mid april and nobody else seems to know the answer!)
If you are making regular contributions then you claim tax relief by writing to Revenue including a copy of the PRSA1 cert and ask them to grant relief via your tax credits. If you are backdating contributions before October 31st 2007 against 2006 income then write to them similarly and you should get a lump sum refund.

October 31 - what does it mean for PAYE worker?

You need to claim PRSI relief separately.

Claiming PRSI relief on standalone PRSA contribution

You won't get tax/PRSI relief at source via payroll for "standalone" pension contributions.