Tax refund I wasn't due


Registered User

Not great at understanding taxes so hopefully the below makes sense!

I changed job in February, last month my old employer paid me for an unpaid leave day but then also refunded me USC and PAYE of c. €1500

Old payroll were no help so rang Revenue as felt this was a mistake. They said they saw what old payroll had done and would change my tax credits to recover the amount over paid.

New payroll haven't run for this month yet (or downloaded my tax cert since) but I had a look on MyRevenue and the tax cert issued the day I notified revenue seems to have the exact same figures as the tax cert up there from before the mistake.

Where can I spot how much Revenue are going to take off me? And allied question - do I need to ring them again later in case they take more off me every month once they get whatever is due back?
Your new RPN should have details of earnings / tax / USC / PRSI etc paid and will be downloaded by your new employer. Once they run payroll, (assuming you are taxed on a cumulative basis), it should automatically calculate a higher tax charge for your next pay, so you will receive less net pay. If you want to pay the amount over a longer term, you should ask Revenue to reduce your tax credits and put you on a week one basis.