tax rebate



im on sick leave for the last 9 months i was payed full pay for the first 6 months but now im on half pay can i claim tax back due to redced income or is it done automaticaaly by my employer
thanks lmn
I doubt it was done automatically by your employer but I assume you are paid more (initially) than the standard rate of tax and if so you will have to wait till the end of the year as you are still actually earning as far as I know.
It may be the case that you have to wait until the end of the year but if your ongoing income has reduced to a level that would significantly impact your income tax liabilities then there is no harm in contacting your tax office to check if your credits/deductions can be adjusted on an ongoing basis. It's worth doing this if cashflow is a problem.
If lnn is on the cumulative basis for tax then it should be incorporated into the regular payments made by the employer. Depending on the actual wages involved, it may not necessarily mean a tax rebate, but it should mean paying less tax, as lnn is earning less wages.