My annual salary is €31K. Due to the staff in my company accepting new work practices we are to receive a compensation payment and some money backdated due to a payfreeze from the national wage rises. Below are the details. I am paid fortnightly.
I am single.
Usual Gross forthnighly payment : €1198
Compensation payment: €2000
2.5% Payrise backdated to 1st October 2007 (approx 15 fortnightly pay days)
Further 2.5% Payrise backdated to 1st April 2008 (2 fortnightly pay days)
I am due to receive a normal forthnightly wages plus the above, probably in my next paycheque or the one after that. Basically I am looking for a ball park figure of what I will receive after tax.
I am single.
Usual Gross forthnighly payment : €1198
Compensation payment: €2000
2.5% Payrise backdated to 1st October 2007 (approx 15 fortnightly pay days)
Further 2.5% Payrise backdated to 1st April 2008 (2 fortnightly pay days)
I am due to receive a normal forthnightly wages plus the above, probably in my next paycheque or the one after that. Basically I am looking for a ball park figure of what I will receive after tax.