Take permanent job or not?


Registered User
Hi! I have been offered a permanent part-time job as a community nurse in the HSE in Dublin area. My family are pushing me to take it, but am reluctant to. Worked for HSE years ago, then privately and really hated it, though loved my contact with the patients - just the rest of the stuff that I found difficult and stressful! The area that I would be working in would be really tough, a lot of social problems and there have been assaults on nurses there. But my family say its permanent, though part-time, that if I go back to the HSE later my salary and pension conditions will be less. However, I am doing an MSc Psychotherapy to change career and am happy just doing agency, which strangely enough, there is lots of at the moment as the HSE isn't taking on permanent staff! Any comments, advice appreciated.
Elaine - it seems to me that you know what you want. Families, strangely enough, don't always give the best advice.

I think you have answered your own question. If you don't need this job for financial reasons go with your gut feeling and continue doing what you are happy doing.
Remember you are the one that will have to do the job not your family
With the exit of another 5k people from the hse there will be an even greater need for agency staff. I know a lot of these will be in the admin area....but still. (you can pick n choose and you'll be in control) better chance of peace of mind and personal contentment.
I would suss out the particular area some are worse than others.

I worked for the HSE myself years ago and I nearly cracked up.
But the area I was in was particularly bad, others are very good I believe.
I worked in very rough areas....but the people were fine, it was management (or lack of) that drove me crazy.

The only reason I can see that permanent would be better than agency is if you would be looking for a loan or something.
I agree with Bob, families often give the strongest opinions on what you should do, but it is often not the best advice. That's my experience anyway. You can listen to all the advice, but you don't have to act on it. Only you can know what makes you happy and what makes you miserable and where you want to go in life.

Let them get on with living their lives and you get on with yours.
When things get really bad, look at the interest payments on our supposed "bailout" agency will be gone, whether these staff are required or not is irrelevant, there simply won't be the money there to pay for them, I'd think very carefully before turning down a permanent position in the current climate.
Hi! Everyone, thanks for your replies. I have decided not to take the job. I met someone yesterday who is a nurse working in the same community area. She said that they were understaffed permanently and this lead to dangerous situations. Further, a number of staff have gone off sick in the last year or so with burnout. Like you said, Mommah, she said the management culture was not a supportive one at all. Thewatcher, I note what you said about a permanent job - I definitley will need one in the near future. I finish my MSc in August so am hopefully going to be working in an area realted to nursing/psytherapy but not actuallly in nursing. I will hopefully only need agency untill September - it pays for my childcare and children's activities. Hopefully the agency won't dry up for me before then. Thanks again to all of you for your comments.