"take me off your mailing list" emails


Registered User
Has anyone else been getting a sudden flood of emails, all of which, in more or less polite terms, ask you to take them off your mailing-list? I don´t know any of the senders, so is it some nuisance program introduced by a hacker, or - god forbid - a virus? I have the problem on one of my email servers (hotmail) only. Anyone knows what this is about, and what one can do to stop it?
Do you know any of the people? Can you check if they did receive anything untoward from you.

I've got junk mail from myself! I kid you not, my yahoo account acted up (with secure password, etc...). I'd people come back that they'd been sent in appropriate material - just stuff about buying your degree, etc... The spam bots have got clever! It could be that "you" have been sending out junk mail.

I think you're jumping to conclusions here.

Spammers set source email addresses that they have culled in the same manner that they cull the destination addresses. Just because the sender is [email protected] doesn't mean that it was sent/originated FROM that account, or the xmail.com mail servers or one of it's users - it's one of the tricks of the trade.

By all means be cautious, but...
Doesn't mean that it wasn't either. No?

No, but the likelihood it that it wasn't. OP is there anything unexpected in your sent mail? As I said, by all means be cautious, change passwords, scan etc, but you could be looking for a needle in a haystack that just isn't there.