Motor Switch to van


Registered User
I'm considering buying a car van, maybe a focus van. We currently have a car. Myself and wife are directors of our company. Current car insurance is under wifes name and I'm named driver.
What do we need to tell insurance company to get it switched to a commercial policy?
Do we buy the van and put in company name? Do we put the insurance in company name or her name?
Never done this before.
your first post was in Feb. Have you gone any further?

Your car policy is in wife's name. you are buying a van. Is this in lieu of the car, or in addition to the car?

of course you must tell the insurer, you are changing reg numbers - aren't you??

If the van is in wife's name, then the NCB on the car, will transfer to the van, if van is in wife's name. If van is in company name, but you are getting rid of the car, wife's insurers MAY transfer the NCB, but are not obliged to.

If you are buying the van as an additional vehicle, then you have NO NCB on it and you can register and insurer it in any name you want, as long s the registered owner is a legal entity.
We are getting rid of the car, trying to save money.
I could buy the van and put it in her name or company name.
Guessing if its in company name we save money on tax that way or does that make a difference.
Does it have to be in company name to get commercial insurance?
If it's a van it has to be commercial insurance. There are two types of motor policy - one for cars and the other for vans. It doesn't make a difference whether its in a company name or individuals name. The use is commercial.
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