'Survival Bag' ~ what would you put into it?


Registered User
When you're in a queue, waiting for the train, on the train etc.

To start off:

  • A backpack to put everything into!
  • A netbook with Internet connection
  • A good book or even better an e-reader
  • A notebook and pen
  • A few quiz books

Care to add to the list? :)
Water bottle or flask of coffee (depends on time of year!)
polo mints
diary & notebook
A good book, a couple of magazines, especially if it's a new book that I'm starting off in case it's not very good, the paper and a pen, packet of sweeties and a bottle of water and a music player +headphones. And if it is the train, a good jumper in case the heating is broken
Ahh yes, Shakira. Pique's girlfriend.

No, not me, the other, less talented and slightly uglier Pique.
I can't say that I am familiar with suasages but no doubt they are a Cork delicacy:)


Nobody mentioned chocolate, so I will.
Coffee, chocolate, newspaper and mp3/ ipod. High heels, trench coat, umbrella and laser. What else could a woman need?;)
Coffee, chocolate, newspaper and mp3/ ipod. High heels, trench coat, umbrella and laser. What else could a woman need?;)
:eek: Dear god woman...what are you going to do with a laser ???
Well Marion..you can have the Suas sages.... I will keep the rest.... now where did I put my dictionary.
Purple, why would I get on the train.... I have no idea, but its my bag, and my train..... and ... and ...I will have 10 more reasons is 20 minutes.

because Im worth it
A Mary Higgins Clark book, scrabble (so that I can beg strangers to play a game with me!), water & an Ipod (full of Jean Jacques Goldman songs & Johnny Hallyday)
A packet of Wherthers original (a packet incase I like to share with my co-passenger) a state of the art technical device where upon I could get WIFI( its tinternet with out a cable) to purusal you tube. One Choc twirl, Im sure the co-passenger who enjoyed the wheters would perhaps be partial to sharing that 2.... I am such a caring soul, modest 2.

take 2 between meals.