Supposed to close sale, but it turns out seller hasn't bank's permission to sell

That is really wonderful news for you and your family. Enjoy your first Christmas in you new home.

You have cheered me up no end with that. Delighted for you. That's been some wringer you've been through.

Merry Christmas in your new home. Wait till the sales to go back to Ikea ! you don't need stuff for a couple of days. The joy of being in will be enough.

(and thanks so much for coming back to tell us how it worked out)
Your user name is apt Joy. How about you tell us what work needs doing, your budget and let's see what house renovation ideas you get.

I have two 20 year old Ektorp couches from IKEA. I'm going to throw it out, and buy exactly the same ones again as they are perfect. January sales here I come. Comfortable and have withstood the kids and other animals fantastically. Even though the cover is cream coloured on one of them. You can wash them too.
What a lovely turnaround! Hope it's all working out now! (and you got the keys!)