Superannuation benefit for new wife/partner


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My partner is a retired fireman collecting his full pension. As we reviewed our 'life-plan' we were both surprised to discover that as I became his wife/partner after retirement I'm not eligible to receive any pension benefits after his death as I would've if we'd been married before he retired. Does anyone know if there is a way around this? He supports me and I would be in real financial hardship if I couldn't collect 1/2 the pension if anything happened to him.

Irish Civil Service Pensions Information Centre (c) where a member marries after retirement/resignation, the spouse (and stepchildren, if any) of that marriage; are not eligible .......(etc.)
There are two main schemes in operation, the Original & the Revised (which does pay out to post retirement spouses).
If he didn't opt in to the revised scheme when it was offered in the 1980's, I don't think he can fix that now.

If he was a member of a union, it could be worth contacting them to confirm the position.