Suburbs Vs City Centre Property Investment?



I am a 1st time Property investor (Budget 240K) and am considering purchasing either:

a) 1 Bed apt in City Centre (say Thomas Street area) - no car parking, rent per DAFT is 900 pm


b) 2 bed townhouse at the Blanchardstown Shopping Centre with Car parking. Rent per DAFT is 1,000 - 1,100 PM

Is it a no brainer that property b should be purchased or are there other factors to consider?

City centre vs Suburbs

Rental income per month is not the only consideration you should be looking at

How you feel the value will hold up, will it appreciate, etc

I am sure you have considered these, but on the specific point you raised re income per month, you should also conisder vacant periods

City centre apartments are extremely rentable and will rent in a matter of hours, when advertised properly, where as suburbs are almost always a little slower

Try placing an ad in the Herald and see what response you get from both, it'll cost you roughly €35 each (roughly one day vacancy)

City centre apartments have very little vacacny periods