Structural survey results



Hi Guys,

I got a structural survey done on a house i'm about to buy. Turns out there's a few problems with the roof and the pointing. Estimated cost of €2k to put right.

Is the onus on the vendor to sort out any possible problems or is it up to me. Should we negociate?

How do I go about asking the vendor to sort it, through my solicitor?


Theoretically you as purchaser take the house as is. i.e. with any structural problems.

You can ask the vendor to fix the problems. If there are a few interested parties though it probably means that they will sell to someone else who will not require the works done.

You would normally go through the estate agent when dealing with this. You can ask the solicitor but mostly they do not want to be negotiating on price.

mf1 said:
Theoretically you as purchaser take the house as is. i.e. with any structural problems.


Generally the structural survey will be used to determine if you continue with the purchase or backout entirely. If there are 2k worth of problems you need to determine whether you are willing to take these on or not. You could back out and then the vendor would need to find someone else. You could state your reason and they might negotiate the price at that stage but that is up to them.