Stockbroking Investment - Courses.

Phoenix n,

What do you hope to acheive out of this course ?

Thought it may be interesting and, as an individual investor, give me some more insight into the world of equities etc. Would not be a precursor to a career or anything.
Phoenix_n - I would recommend reading a few books rather than taking a course. Quite a few have been mentioned in other threads before. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher is an excellent one to start with:
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Phoenix_n - I would recommend reading a few books rather than taking a course. Quite a few have been mentioned in other threads before. Common Stocks and Uncommon Profits by Philip Fisher is an excellent one to start with:

Perfect. Cheers whathome. Have ordered 'the intelligent investor' by Benjamin Graham aswell.
Both excellent books.

Of note also if you want to follow them up would be
"The theory of investment value" by John Burr Williams.

Not as easy a read as Fisher and Graham's books but worth a look in if you get a taste for it.
Looks pretty crap to me. Most of the info seems either irrelevant or easily accessible on web or from various books. The most popular course seems to be TICN's, which is covered in a fair amount of detail in the below thread

Most other courses are a joke, imho. I have lots of reservations about TICN also - esp. cost - but it does offer some info of worth.

Going back to books, it's hard to beat Jack Schwager's Market Wizards. A must-read.