Still paying Emergency tax


Registered User
my boyfriend started at current job 1st March and is still paying emergency tax. He went 3 times to tax office and was told 3 times, request (or whatever it is called) was sent to employer. At the payroll office (in head office, as it is a big company) he was told they never received anything from revenue. Almost half of his wages are now deducted and I am getting really angry about it.
He is registered to PAYE anytime but we are totally green about how use it and what to look for. Maybe there is a way to claim back emergency tax online?
This is not the first time he changed job and never had problem before.
Sorry, my English is not perfect...
He went 3 times to tax office and was told 3 times, request (or whatever it is called) was sent to employer. At the payroll office (in head office, as it is a big company) he was told they never received anything from revenue.
Sorry, my English is not perfect...

Is he requesting from Revenue that a copy of his tax credits and standard rate cut off point is been sent to his employer using his employer's registered PAYE number? Most big companies have online Revenue access so they would normally get these details electronically (figuratively speaking Revenue pushes a few buttons and there's a new notification appearing in the company's inbox from Revenue). Use this link to find out the Revenue number of the office he should be calling to get this resolved.

He should have gotten a hard copy of the cert via post from Revenue himself? Some companies may be willing to use that until they get a copy of the cert from Revenue directly (it's essentially the same info for payroll purposes). It can't hurt to mention that he's got a copy of the tax cert and would that be acceptable for the company to use until they get their end sorted with Revenue (be it some communication problem or just incompetence from one side)?

Regarding getting back the emergency tax it usually requires no action from the employee. You indirectly get it back once your tax credits kick in via less tax for the next payroll run(s). So there is no direct refund per say, you just end up paying less tax for the next payroll or two (depending on how long you were on emergency tax) until it's "balanced" where upon you'll resume paying "normal" tax. Basically the tax system works by allocating tax credits per month as the tax year progresses. If you don't use these tax credits (e.g. emergency tax was in effect / unemployed) then these credits accumulate / build up and will balance the excess paid by the emergency tax period once you are moved from "emergency" tax to "normal" tax.

If you really want to be sure you can request a P21 balancing statement via PAYE anytime once the current tax year is concluded i.e. in 2016 and Revenue will issue a refund if you're owed anything. However it works both ways and Revenue may issue you with a bill if you somehow managed to underpay your tax liability for the year. In most cases however you don't need to do this in regards to an emergency tax refund.