Steel Shed in New Home


Registered User
Hi, I recently went sale agreed on a secondhand house. I hope to close the sale in December or January. The house has no garage and I would like to get a large insulated steel garage/workshop built in the back garden. The shed will exceed the 25sqm exemption so I intend to go for planning permission.
Do I have to wait until I close the sale to apply for planning permission?
Should I call to the neighbour next door and seek permission from them in advance?
Unfortunately the lead times for delivery are 5-8 months so not ideal.
No harm in looking at sheds, etc. Everything else, I would certainly wait until I owned the property.
I would think that you do, AFAIK you cannot apply for PP for someone else's property.
I think that a Letter of Consent from the Owner will allow for Planning Permission to proceed.
It's no different to applying to build a house on a Site that you will only purchase 'Subject to Planning'.