State Maternity benefit


Registered User
Hello my sister is is receiving one parent family payment for a number of years. This was reduced when she was working part time. She is now off on maternity leave and queried whether she was due maternity benefit due to PRSI contributions. She was advised no as she is 1 weeks contribution short (38 weeks not 39 weeks). Is there anything else she can do here(qualify a reduced materinity payment or can she make a PRSI payment for last year to bring her up to 39 weeks??)?

Also she was working in 2013 for another company now closed due to a receiver being appointed. It appears this company did not pay her PRSI payments despite a small contribiton taken from her wage and showing on her payslip. Would onyone have any advise how we would follow up to see if she could qualify for maternity benefit under 2013?

Thank you.