Stamp Duty / CGT



I recently purchased a new house in the country as we planned to relocate from Dublin. I didn't pay stamp duty due to owner occupier relief on the new home.

However, due to a change in personal circumstances the relocation is no longer practical, so will be staying put in our existing Dublin home and are selling the country home.

Am I still entitled to stamp duty relief on the country home?

Also would any capital gain on resale qualify for CGT exemption?

In short no and no.

If you (or your family) lived in the country house for a while you might be able to claim the PPR relief from CGT, but it would really depend on your circumstances, what happened your Dublin home etc.
Thanks for the reply Nige.

If you (or your family) lived in the country house for a while you might be able to claim the PPR relief from CGT, but it would really depend on your circumstances, what happened your Dublin home etc.

Would a few days or so qualify as "for a while"?

Dublin home remained unoccupied during relevant period.

Would this change matters?
Yes it would change the circumstances. If you for instance had lived in the property for x number of months and then due to the change of heart decided to move back to Dublin you would be entitled to the last 12 months (as well as x number of months) as your PPR. You would have to be selling the country property after moving back to Dublin though. (i.e. not keeping it for, say, 5 years and then selling it and trying to claim the last 12 months as PPR)