Sports people and the vaccine..

It's their choice the odds on them getting sick from co I'd are probably the same as them getting sick from the vaccine ,especially now that 88per fully vaccinated
Good grief!
But they are still ambassadors and if good health is to be promoted, they should be a the front of that effort.

Most of these lads/ ladies are making more money in endorsements than playing....or whatever they do. They have a channel to influence.

There is a balance here, media cop on, unvaccinated " stars" why?

Humanity depends upon the need to move forward, and they have a duty in society to further that quest, and bring as many from behind them foward.

Being an outliner, for show isn't the message
Up by the Airport? In Cork.....
If you're referring to the cricket and hockey grounds just note it was the only sports ground I was ever thrown out of; in fact I was accompanied in the long walk to the gate while everybody there looked on including the players. The person ejecting me was loud in his conversation and thought he looked and sounded like some kind of superior being. It's another story for my future autobiography.

I wrote to the club the following day and received an apology (although I hadn't looked for one). I have been back there since. It takes more than a loudmouth to silence a passive leper.
What can a person do in this situation below?

Interesting to read the original post, the review and then the owners response.
That was interesting reading and highlights the potential problems with restricting those who are unvaccinated. There will always be those who can not take a vaccine.
I don't know anything about the internal workings of the Hermit Kingdom (or Republic) that is Cork.
That's no problem, Purple. Us people of Cork will take you by the hand and guide you through areas even you just dream about