Sporting Cheats


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I'm after a discussion with a former soccer pro on this subject, and we had a bit of a blazing about who we considered cheats.

My current gripe is Serena Williams, who's a fine lady, good player, athlete but a poor sportsperson. Witnessing her antics in the last match at Wimbledon it was just another in a long line from the Williams girls.

The other person who was prominent was Alen Boksic who had a fondness for, how to put this, "distracting" opponents with hands that wandered south.

Graham Geraghty was high on my list but try explaining a grown man being allowed run the length of a pitch lumping 4 players and not being carded (Louth-Meath last year) to a Croatian.
In sport (especially professional or other full time) any edge/advantage is valuable so it's hardly surprising that people "cheat". What about in football (soccer) when invariably players from both teams will always claim a throw-in/corner/goal kick/offside/foul/innocence etc. no matter how blatantly wrong they are? If you're looking for Corinthian spirit in this day and age then you might want to look somewhere other than sport... :(
When Clinton was president, many people stopped using the term "mulligans" in golf and instead used "billigans" because of some reported antics on the golf course.

(Too bad it didn't stick as a "billigan" doesn't have the same Irish connotations as a "mulligan")
I still believe there is place in sport for fair play, but it's getting less and less. It's not just pro sport, and maybe it's because my mind is still spinning from reading (finally) Paul Kimmage's book and one by Daire Whelan on Irish football, but I just don't get it. Maybe that's why our team seem to lose tight decisions as we're not prepared to dive and fake.
When Clinton was president, many people stopped using the term "mulligans" in golf and instead used "billigans" because of some reported antics on the golf course.
Any truth in the rumour that boxing aficionados also stopped using the term "below the belt blow" and renamed it a "Monica"?
..... If you're looking for Corinthian spirit in this day and age then you might want to look somewhere other than sport... :(

Maybe not in this day and age but 10/15 years ago I remember snooker players like Jimmy White and Steve Davis turning themselves in for accidentally touching the ball during play. This was despite the referee not noticing and there being big enough stakes involved.
Yeah - there are exceptions (Paolo Di Canio clean through on goal stopping play to allow an injured opposition player to receive treatment, whoever it was who owened up to marking his card wrong causing him to lose some major golf tournament etc.). But in general I believe that most professional/full time (individual or team) sports people will cheat given the opportunity to gain advantage over the opposition and get away with it. The prevalence of performance enhancing drugs in many sports is testimony to the cheating culture and the pressure (from within and/or without) that drives people to engage in such practices.
Arsene Wenger offering to replay a cup game (was it with BIrmingham?) after a foreign player didn't realise the give the ball back to the folks who kicked it out? Nd the game was replayed in the end.
Anone see Robinho last night and his "penalty", not only was the contact almost non-existent, but he scores the penalty after rolling around the turf. God what I'd give to have been Ecuadorian and put a boot in.
Clubman, di Canio caught the ball from a cross when the Everton keeper was injured on the ground - I seem to remember there were a couple of players between him and the goal so it wasn't a sure thing that he would have scored..
Yes. So what?
"I am a fascist, not a racist".
He's entitled to his views.

Clubman, di Canio caught the ball from a cross when the Everton keeper was injured on the ground - I seem to remember there were a couple of players between him and the goal so it wasn't a sure thing that he would have scored..
I thought that it was clearer cut but my memory is hazy.

Arsene Wenger offering to replay a cup game (was it with BIrmingham?) after a foreign player didn't realise the give the ball back to the folks who kicked it out? Nd the game was replayed in the end.
[broken link removed]
robbie fowler protesting that in fact he hadn't been fouled adn the penalty and red card shouldn't be given.
That was Padraig Harrington.

I think that mistake was discovered by the committee of the club he was playing at and not the player himself. They wanted to frame all four cards and put in the clubhouse. It was then spotted that he did not sign his card on the first day. Thats not to say that he and golfers in general are honest to a fault eg Clarke last year refused to take advantage of somebody trampling on his lie and just chipped onto the fairway when he could have played onto the green.