Space Buddies - Free Cinema Tickets


Registered User
Space Buddies
Sunday at 11am
March 1st
Cineworld, Dublin

Code : 217166

Website : [broken link removed]

Same thing as Benj. Button I posted previously.
thanks Smashbox.
just got me 2. bigjoe_dub_lite will be over the moon, he loves the films.
Thanks Bigjoe.. I was beginning to wonder if ANYONE took up this offer with the lack of replies.
Do you get e-mails if you register with the site? I haven't received any mails since 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' (I'm glad the tickets were free).
i got no emails after I registered the last time. this time I just put in the code that smashbox gave and it asked me to sign in. i did with the credentials that i used the last time to register. as soon as i did that my ticket was on the screen to print. i'm hoping that I will receive more emails now.
free is good.
Still gives me...
Albacore, are you looking for tickets? I got two in case anyone wanted them - I won't be going.
went along and enjoyed. cinema was half empty. no one took my printed out ticket so they will not know i attented. may email them just in case you stand a better chance of getting tickets in the future.