Sonar Gadget to discourage teenage gatherings

Less of your cheek, young fellah, or you'll feel the lash of my sonar gadget! ;)
Can you post a picture as I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing... do you place ads in the back of the Buy&Sell by any chance? :D
I've been wondering what this was for ages now and only just heard it! Then realised I'd experienced it a few times before. Very interesting.
There's an MP3 of the sound on that thread. I presume computer audio can reproduce it accurately?
Actually the link on seems to be broken so if anybody tried it and heard the sounds then they might want to visit and ear doctor. Or a psychiatrist. However if you Google then you will find other download sources. I tried a few and could not hear the sound.

Update: this page has the tone at different frequencies categorised by age! Interesting. I can hear the 14.1Khz one. I can just about detect something with the 14.9Khz one. The higher frequency ones I don't think I can detect at all. Going by the categorisations this is just about right for my age...
I guess my computer must be nuts ;)

The link works. Maybe it only works intermittently so anyone who wants to hear it should keep trying.

[broken link removed]

I can hear it but its so audible to me that I wouldnt think anyone would have a problem hearing it :confused:

Maybe the guy who posted it on was wrong ?
Oh - my mistake. I forgot that I installed the NoScript Firefox extension and this stops script driven links from working unless I enable scripting the site in question. :eek:
I have the NoScript Firefox extension too but prefer Opera. Can anyone else hear the sound ? It is like nothing at first but very annoying after 5 minutes.
I can hear it but its so audible to me that I wouldnt think anyone would have a problem hearing it :confused:

Maybe the guy who posted it on was wrong ?
I think he must have been; ditto for the one on that page.

On the page ClubMan linked to I can hear what I 'should' be able to, i.e. the 14.1Khz one and, just about, the 14.9Khz one.
The one the blows the ears off me any time I'm trying to get money out of the atm is outside the Spar by the Penny Hill pub in Lucan. Stand at the atm and turn around and look up and its a small box under the eave of the canopy. It doesn't seem to have much of a range but is uncomfortable to walk past.
Thats a spooky test! I can hear the age group above me but not my own or younger. Must turn down the ipod from now on methinks.
Holy crap! I'm missing 20 years of spectrum here, better ease off on the drums!!!
I found that I had to turn the volume up full blast on my laptop to hear so that I could hear some of them.