Something I Should Have Known... Zinc Batteries


Registered User
Picking up some batteries today and I noticed zinc batteries were a lot cheaper than alkaline ones... did a quick google and apparently they only last 3 years before they start to corrode! So don't use them in a TV remote control or some low use item where they might be there for a considerable time. Ok for christmas tree lights, kids toys, that kind of thing.

I feel like I should have known this...
I bought batteries in Aldi today, 0% Hg and Cd, no mention of zinc. No list of ingredients:). Active energy, super alkaline. Does that mean no zinc?
I bought batteries in Aldi today, 0% Hg and Cd, no mention of zinc. No list of ingredients:). Active energy, super alkaline. Does that mean no zinc?
Are they these ones?
Seems like alkaline

Zinc ones seem to have mention of 3 year lifetime / warranty
Yes, that's them thanks. Of course you said alkaline in your original post, but I just remembered the zinc bit ! I had batteries that leaked before. Must watch out for that now.

I've just checked all the batteries I have in the battery drawer, most are Duracell and say Alkaline, none say 0%Hg or Cd, does that imply they have these elements?. I imagine not having those elements is a good thing for the environment.

Any idea of the most environment friendly batteries with good performance? I had some rechargeable ones once and they were a waste of money.
Yes, that's them thanks. Of course you said alkaline in your original post, but I just remembered the zinc bit ! I had batteries that leaked before. Must watch out for that now.

I've just checked all the batteries I have in the battery drawer, most are Duracell and say Alkaline, none say 0%Hg or Cd, does that imply they have these elements?. I imagine not having those elements is a good thing for the environment.

Any idea of the most environment friendly batteries with good performance? I had some rechargeable ones once and they were a waste of money.
Another one I feel I should have known!
0% hg means no mercury which apparently has been phased out of most batteries for environmental reasons in last few years except the button cell ones.

Cd am guessing means cadmium?

Not sure re environmentally friendly - no mercury seems good - but I guess important to always dispose of in the WEE bins in retailers and not general waste.
Just read up a bit on batteries. Amazing how many different sorts. Mercury is banned since 1990s. Apparently there is zinc in alkaline batteries but less presumably? It would be good to have more information on what's in them, I am surprised it is not obligatory? O have bought some that don't last long so now tend to buy Duracel, but was tempted by the Aldi ones when I bought battery Christmas lights. Will compare them with the duracel ones.