Some Sky users have a UK IP address so can't access Irish stations

Brendan Burgess


Some Irish users of Sky’s broadband and television services may have been confused to learn they were relocated, in a virtual sense at least, to the London suburb of Croydon earlier this month.


Impacted users told The Irish Times that as well as being denied access to content from the national broadcaster and other streaming services, they also had to endure significant time lags when changing channels, with the Sky system appearing to struggle to work out exactly where they were.
IP geo-location and geo-blocking isn't failsafe and service providers, such as RTÉ in this case, who use it are always at risk of blocking legitimate users.
There is no geo database of IP address locations that is 100% accurate. They all are more and less guesses and estimates.
I have a Sky Sports subscription through NOW TV that works perfectly fine in the Republic but doesn't work when I'm visiting family in the North. Apparently it used to work fine both sides of the border before brexit.