Solid wood floor - cracking noise

yes mine is floating and the floors were not level. The cracking sound is just in these areas - i'll try the talc. what should I buy? Is it regular scented talc for bathroom use?

Johnsons baby powder bottle thingy ??? should do the trick. Don't go mad with it, just a bit over the joins where you hear the cracking and walk on the boards to work it down, although with glue it may never get down into the join but worth a try.
hi sparkles ,

i have just installed this oak flooring too and the cracking sound really make me mad and could you kindly let me know how did u solve your cracking sound ?

this is my email do let me know and really thx in advance
If it helps at all, we have just had oak floors put down. Seems to be a cracking sound also in a particular place only (near one of the doors). Rang the fitters and they came out and said they didn't leave enough space between the boards in that area and they're coming out to fix them. I think they just have to take off the piece that is under the door and move it slightly as the door saddle covers a small gap that they left in case of expansion. Said it isn't a big job and they should be able to do it in about twenty minutes. Might be worth contacting the fitters if its a new floor.

Hope this helps.
yes its a new floor and the fitter have come and say they never face this problem before and my oak flooring area is 7000 sq feet

and all the thing have been done and fitted and i dont think they is anymore chance for then redo for the flooring to have enough space

is there any liquid or example wd40 thing that i can just spray and solve it ?

the fitter is a rubbish and all payment had payed them already and they seem to ingore now and say if have crack sound and help him do marking and he come over to check and my flooring now is like a world map after all the marking and even he come and can do nothing