Solicitor’s bill


Registered User
Solicitor quoted over the phone a cost of €1850 plus around a €100 land registry fees etc. for getting house put into widow’s name from her late husband. The bill has now come in for nearly €2800. It included nearly €600 for fees and charges, including house valuation, €100 for postage photocopying etc., and several hundred for VAT. Being billed for nearly a thousand euro more than expected was a bit of a shock. Are these extra charges reasonable? Should his (over the phone) quote not have included (or at least mentioned) VAT?
Thanks for that. I think my specific question is - should his (over the phone) quote not have included (or at least mentioned) VAT?
Did you not ask for and get an indicative written estimate/breakdown of the charges in advance?
No, just told over the phone it would be €1850 plus around a €100 land registry fees.
Have you complained to the solicitor about not being apprised of the detailed charges including VAT?
"should his (over the phone) quote not have included (or at least mentioned) VAT? "

It is normal enough to quote a fee exclusive of V.A.T. However, it is good practice to make it clear that the fee is subject to V.A.T. @21%
I keep forgetting but what's that "section something" outline of charges that solicitors give to prospective clients called? Is this optional or mandatory?
ClubMan said:
I keep forgetting but what's that "section something" outline of charges that solicitors give to prospective clients called? Is this optional or mandatory?

It is called a Section 68 letter and afaik it is mandatory. hth.