slow return of house deposit


Registered User

I paid a deposit on a house , and I later decided not to sign a contract for it. A week on from informing the auctioneers and I've still not received the deposit back. They say they're looking into it, say its gone to their solicitors and will then be sent on to mine. I paid them directly and my solictor says she doesn't know why they need to return it to her. Need the deposit for another house .... really feel like I'm being blamed for pulling out of purchase.
Is this delay unusual or am i just impatient?

I have been in this position and it usually takes a couple of weeks to get the deposit back.

You should contact your bank and explain the situation. Request a short term overdraft facility so that you can put a deposit on another house.

I know this is costly, but at least you can put a deposit on another property.