Sloppy VAT/VIEs returns


Registered User
Hi, I recently quit my job - number of reasons but one being I wasn't happy with tax compliance.
Few issues listed below :

VAT RTD was incorrect - exports overstated, Not deliberate, but wrong. No actual VAT was claimed incorrectly as a result.
- VAT 13b exemptions expired and weren't identified. They didn't bill a customer for VAT when they should have. I don't have written proof but I can quote the customer name. Customer offered to pay VAT but FD said he didn't want to go there.
- Vat returns weren't split between goods/services incorrectly for years. I offered to resubmit returns but was told not to.
- A lot of erroneous vat billing. I can't quote customers, but I can narrow it down to a product stream and it seems other customers aren't being charged vat when they should be.
- VIES is wrong. They are not including all relevant movements. Not deliberate but I flagged it up and they didn't want to know.

I would like to send an email rather than ring a generic helpline, but don't want my name caught up in it.

Advice welcome. This isn't deliberate fraud, rather unwillingness to correct identified mistakes, but this alone does make it fraud as they know they're submitting crap.