Sleeping in doorways vs. sleeping in caravans


Registered User
So explain this one to me...

Living in a caravan, with heat, light and hot water is 'squalid' but sleeping in a doorway is perfectly OK?

Whilst I'm not condoning, for one minute, those who have been arrested & charged in the UK with 'slavery' I find it hard to see how a doorway & begging is considered any better for the unfortunate men who were used in this way.

I've looked through the photos published, the standards may not be the same as those who are used to living with 4 walls and a roof, but I've seen far worse messes in houses where supposedly 'good' tenants were living.

In one photo of the outside of what looks like a shed structure, there is a gas cylinder piped in, the area is paved, clean, tidy & swept and there's even some BVM statues if I'm not mistaken.

In another photo the seating is clean and tidy, there are photos on the wall, a TV, mugs & cups are hanging up - these are people who are taking care of their home.

Am I the only one who suspects a political motivation for this raid?
Rhetorical question.

There's a great deal of guff on the papers about the 'rescue' of these people. What do they imagine the men are going to return to?

This so called raid was (in my view) politically motivated and the men involved are being exploited for publicity in the same way that they were exploited for their labour.
If I was sleeping in a palace and surrounded by servants but I couldnt leave I wouldn't be too happy.
They have been 'left there' for decades, both on halting sites and on the streets....
This so called raid was (in my view) politically motivated and the men involved are being exploited for publicity in the same way that they were exploited for their labour.

I have to agree with you.

On a slightly different note are the British gone traveller mad at the moment? They currently have the above saga, the Dale Farm drama and the King of the travellers Paddy Dogherty winning Big Brother!
"This so called raid was (in my view) politically motivated and the men involved are being exploited for publicity in the same way that they were exploited for their labour. "

I don't get the inference : "politically motivated".

Who do you suspect is behind it? Politicians? Police? media?

Do you think it is something to do with the Dale Farm evictions?

Its a fundamental human right to have freedom. Maybe if you were interned without trial in Portlaoise you'd (nowadays) be given a clean warm cell with a TV and 3 meals a day, maybe it would be more salubrious than what you were used to but, all the same, it wouldnt be right.

I find it hard to imagine there was anything at all altruistic in the way in which those people were kept.

So what if there were other motivations for tackling the issue now, the scandal isnt that politicians or the media may have made it happen, the scandal is that it may have been known about for some time but people in a position to do something about it did not, for whatever reason, do something about it before now.

No more than Sharia law, the Catholic church or any other group, the law of the land must prevail and alleged cultural reasons as the excuse for lawlessness doesnt cut it.
Whilst I'm not condoning, for one minute, those who have been arrested & charged in the UK with 'slavery' I find it hard to see how a doorway & begging is considered any better for the unfortunate men who were used in this way.

Yeah ! Give me slavery anyday :rolleyes:
If they disobey the planning laws, there is no engineered system for water and where does all the sewerage go?
What will the local council/police do with the men now? Presumably they will end up back on the streets, not sure if that is worse than where they were? It seems to have been brought about because of Dale Farm.
Nine of the 24 men returned to the site where they were found insisting that the police had got it wrong...