Brendan, I didn't pick that up at all. I've two close friends who work at Intel where the show struck a real cord, because they are all heavily concentrated in Intel stock, and wrapped up in the share. They follow it closer than the most red Manu supporter. I thought the show said he was saving €20,000 not that he held €20,000. I reckon he held an awful lot more. My guess is that most of the 20,000 was going back to buy Intel in the share purchase schemes, and that a huge part of their balance sheet was equities, which is why Hobbs pointed out that their investment assets was cash and equities, mostly Intel.
One comment I recall was to build it up in Intel stock and diversify into property, which I thought was ok. Presumably the heavy AVC's were going into an Equity fund anyway. Anyway thats what I picked up.