Key Post Should you contribute to a pension fund if you are in danger of breaching the €2m limit?

The €2m limit (c€2.15m in practice) applies at the time the benefits are accessed.
So taking early retirement could be another lucrative option if someone is at risk of breaking €2.15m threshold at the age of 65.
So taking early retirement could be another lucrative option if someone is at risk of breaking €2.15m threshold at the age of 65.
No matter what size the pension fund is one can take up to €200k as a tax free lump sum. If 25% of the fund would be more than that then the excess, should it be taken, is taxed at only 20%. In general it presumably makes sense to aim to maximise one's pension pot. Especially given that whatever's left after taking a red free lump sum will generally be rolled over into an ARF ongoing investment for paying an ongoing retirement income.