Setting up a fund to get my kids through college


Registered User
My wife and I would like to set up a fund to help us when our kids go to college (touch wood and all that). We currently have about €25,000 with which to start the fund, and are hoping to save about €250 per month from now on. Our eldest child is now 6 years old, so we would need to start to access the fund in about 12 years' time. We have 3 kids, the youngest is now 2 years old.

I am a bit of a novice to say the least when it comes to this sort of thing. I have looked through a lot of the threads on the Investments and Deposits forums but, whilst I'm better informed, I'm none the wiser!

I would prefer not to go to a financial advisor as, in the past, I have found their advice to be biased and not in my best interests (don't mean to cause offence to any decent financial advisors on this site, that has just been my own personal experience).

Any advice is appreciated.
We're in the same position ourselves and we've been looking at saving accounts in the post office they have a couple of good options so you could take a look at those. We're proposing having our children's allowance transferred directly into the fund each month, which seems easy enough to arrange