Sending money to a New Zealand bank account - costs?


Registered User
Sorry I'm not sure where is should be posting this.

My mother in law lives in New Zealand. She is getting closer to retirement age but does not have any pension plan and currently does not earn enough to put any money into savings. We want to look into setting up some kind of bank account for her in New Zealand where we can lodge money (some kind of savings account) so that she has some money built up for a rainy day. The only thing is we can't afford to do this in a lump sum kind of way but more so by sending an amount monthly by bank transfer. I imagine this will cost an arm and a leg in banking fees.

Or would it be worthwhile setting up an account here and just sending her the money as it gets to a lump sum kind of amount.
It is hard to know what to do because she isn't the best of savers and if she has access to the account then she might spend it but at the same time we don't want to offer her money and then tell her she can only have it at our say so.

I doubt there are such things as international bank accounts???
Search for previous posts on "IBAN transfers", which I believe will meet your need.
it depends on how much you were looking to send. Any savings made by sendng over a lump sum could be wiped out by a poor exchange rate movement
IBAN is not relevant here as New Zealand is outside the EU last time I checked.

IBAN is not specific to the EU though initially created by the EU. It also covers some african countries and Turkey as well. Though this doesn't help the OP, since New Zealand is not included
Some banks in NZ have foreign accounts which are kept in the foreign currency until time of transfer. I'm not sure whether they have minimum balances etc. Google "foreign currency call account" and you may find one which suits.