Send shipment to UAE


Registered User
Hi there,

Hoping someone can help me. I am moving to Abu Dhabi in a few weeks and I would like to ship some of my stuff over. It's not a huge amount, will probably be approx the size of one average suitcase.

Just wondering what is the best way to do this? I googled shipping packages etc but so many options came up and I wasn't sure which would be the best/most reliable way. UPS was the one name that I did recognise, the others I didn't.

Thank you in advance for any tips/advice that people may have.
Why don't you just pay for another suitcase and bring it with you to the airport? My son works in Abu Dhabi and that's what he did
Ah, thanks Mary, I didn't even realise you could do that! I am definitely displaying my lack of experience with travel etc at the mo, I will look into that straight away.

Thanks again.